Going to work in a Purim costume. Genetic bad drivers. Lawns painted green. Moody vacuum cleaners. Bears stealing sandwiches. Cows facing north. Exploding mangoes.
The strangest novel ever? A book of halachos of everyday life?
Neither. It’s Cholent Mix, a collection of hilarious essays by Mordechai Schmutter.
Here’s what people are saying about Cholent Mix:
“Cholent Mix is a humorous compilation of articles written by Mordechai Schmutter, who writes humor columns for Hamodia, The Jewish Press,, and others. It is his third collection of articles, and his fourth book overall.”
-Critic, Reader/Eater Magazine
“Is this leftovers?”
-Your kids
“Cholent Mix made my life a lot easier.”
-Chef, Yeshiva Bais Olam
“I wasn’t really prepared to give a quote. But I brought my notes.”
-That uncle who speaks at every sheva brachos.
“It gave me heartburn.”
-Liba Lebowitz
“Not the worst book I’ve ever read.”
-Not the worst critic ever
“It’ll knock you out.”
-Izzy Fine
“Shouldn’t it be called Chulent Mix?”
-Burich Shmiel Neigelvasser, Tuna Beigel
“More fun than a barrel of monkeys eating cholent.”
-Monkeys’ uncle,
who speaks at every sheva brachos
“An awesome book. Why would I lie?”
–Abraham Lincoln
“The perfect thing to read after the cholent.”
–Asher Yatzar
“When you go to the store, don’t forget to pick up Cholent Mix.”
-Your wife
“Where is the text for the back cover already?”
–Publisher, Israel Book Shop
You can buy Cholent Mix here.
Or, if you'd like to buy autographed copies from me directly, call 973-473-1771 or email .