Mordechai Schmutter
Humor Writer, Freelance Writer, Stand-Up Comedian
Mordechai Schmutter is a freelance writer and editor, which means that his services are available for hire. You’d be surprised how many people don’t know that that's what that means.
In addition to his weekly humor column in Hamodia Magazine that is syndicated in The 5 Towns Jewish Times, The Jewish Link of New Jersey, The Queens Jewish Link, The Lakewood Shopper, The Jewish Local Pages of Passaic, and occasionally on Aish.com and COLLIVE, he's also written monthly humorous advice column for The Jewish Press and a bi-weekly humorous advice column for Hamodia, as well as a comic strip for The Brooklyn Family Pages of Brooklyn and another one for Jewish World of Wonder Magazine, and he sometimes posts jokes on his Facebook page or on Twitter.
He is the author of the books, Don't Yell “Challah!” in a Crowded Matzah Bakery, A Clever Title Goes Here , This Side Up, Cholent Mix, What is This -- Some Kind of Joke? , For This I Had To Grow Up?, Dear Mr. Schmutter... They're Asking Me?, and Jewish Time.
He is also available to perform stand-up comedy.